Monday, February 13, 2012

Di Balik Layar Berita Kriminal

Liliek Budiastuti Wiratmo


Crime news is one of television programs that still retained by several television stations in Indonesia. The policy implementation  certainly not without a reason. This paper is the result of editorial policy research on crime programs on television stations in Jakarta, such as Indosiar, RCTI, SCTV, TPI and Trans 7. Through this research, a variety of things that became consideration about why the manager of television still broadcast that program will revealed. Data were collected through in-depth interview with the media newsroom managers. The results showed findings on crime news fluctuation on television, variety of criminal events that aired, determination of editorial policy of criminal programs, the factors that shape the editorial policy and how media workers at a practical level to implement the editorial policy.

Crime news, street crime, rating, share, segmentation, programming and scheduling.

(Artikel ini diterbitkan di Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta, Vol.5, Nomor 1, 2010)


Oleh :
Liliek Budiastuti Wiratmo
 We should happily welcome the increased number of female-targeted printing media as hopefully those medias could reveal and solve woman problems. Those problems are not only domestic problems but also political problems, economical problems, etc. But the reality shows that the female magazines more focus on domestic problems that actually should be balanced with public problems. This paper aim to reveal ideal type of female magazine.

Semakin meningkatnya media cetak yang sasaran pembacanya perempuan mestinya disambut dengan gembira, karena diharapkan media tersebut akan dapat mengungkap dan menyelesaikan persoalan perempuan. Persoalan-persoalan tersebut bukan hanya masalah menyangkut masalah-masalah domestik, namun sesungguhnya meliputi prosoalan politik, ekonomi, dan sebagainya. Namun realtas yang ada saat ini, majalah wanita tersebut lebih mengedepankan persoalan domestik yang mestinya harus diimbangi dengan persoalan publik. Tulisan ini mengungkap majalah wanita seperti apa yang dapat mencerdaskan.
(Artikel ini diterbitkan di Jurnal Eksplanasi, Kopertis Wilayah VI Vol. 1, No.2, Nopember 2006)

Liliek: Silahkan baca selengkapnya...